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U.S. Veterans’ Rowing & Kayaking Foundation CEO and Founder, Paul-Stephen Varszegi won his 2nd gold medal in two years at the Sarasota Invitational Rowing Championships at Nathan Benderson Park. He was representing his second military foundation established in 2019 in Budapest, Hungary for the Hungarian military.

Gold medal in Nathan Bederson Park, Sarasota, 2024.jpg


We attended the Hungarian Open Ergometer Rowing Championship in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary on the 17th of February, 2024. Organizer: Magyar Evezős Szövetség

Our team achieved great results once again: 

  • Our team member, Péter Lőricz placed 2nd in the amateur category with an amazing time of 3:04 in the 1.000 meter event.

  • The Hungarian Military World Rowing & Kayaking Association team took 3rd place in the amateur category.


Congratulations to our team!

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The OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD 2022 book is out now in Hungarian!

Click the icon to read and download the HU version of the Official World Record 2022 book.

  • On page 67.  you can read the post about the outstanding records of our founder, Paul Stephen Varszegi.

  • On page 194. on the top you can read about the fantastic Hungarian world record, that was achieved with the contribution of our Hungarian fundation.

  • On page 194 - 195. you can read about the stunning world record achieved with the contribution of our partner fundation in the US.

Unfortunately the HU translation is of a quite poor quality.  Apparently, too many countries were added to this first e-book version, and it seems, that the resources planned for the translations were insufficient.

Therefore we put the post on our founder here in proper Hu language.

Várszegi Pál István világrekordjai

Az OWR igazolja, hogy Paul-Stephen Varszegi (született: 1959. 12. 2. Trumbull, Connecticut, USA), 59 éves férfi új hivatalos világrekordot állított fel a

 4 óra alatt legtöbb világrekordot felállító 59 éves férfi 

kategóriában. 2018. április 9-én Paul-Stephen Varszegi, az Amerikai Veterán Evezős és Kajakozó Alapítvány alapítója 3 világrekordot állított fel.

Az 1. rekordra reggel 5 órakor került sor az LA Fitness-ben (Main Street, Trumbull, Connecticut, 06611). A 2. és a 3. rekord felállítása a Maritime Rowing Clubban (11 Golds­tein Place, Norwalk, Connecticut) történt, körülbelül reggel 7:00 - 8:30 között.

Paul rekordok.png
  • Az 1. rekord: 50 yardos víz alatti úszás, egy levegővétellel, uszony nélkül.

  • A 2. rekord: Paul 15 percig állt lábujjhegyen a Bosu labdán anélkül, hogy a sarkára esett volna vagy leesett volna.

  • A 3. és egyben utolsó rekord: Paul egy 1 teljes órán keresztül megállás nélkül haspréseket végzett egy hasprésgépen 80 font súly beállításával. Paul több mint 1500 hasprést végzett 1 óra alatt.

Alapítványunk közreműködésével elért világrekord

Az OWR igazolja, hogy a Magyar Evezős Szövetség és a Győri Evezős Klub 2019-ben új hivatalos világrekordot állított fel a

legtöbb fedett pályás evezős világrekord egy ország által egy év alatt


Paul-Stephen Várszegi – a U.S. Veterans’ Rowing & Kayaking Foundation (USA) és David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation of Hungary (HU) elnöke és alapítója - azzal a céllal tért vissza szülőhazájába, hogy a Magyar Evezős Szövetségnek segítsen abban, hogy a világ fedett evezős világának kiemelkedő tagjává váljon.

Hungarian C2 world record group-2019.jpeg

A Concept2 (, a világ összes beltéri evezős rekordját rögzítő és publikáló szervezet adatai alapján 2019. április 1-től a magyar férfi evezősök 72 beltéri evezős világrekorddal zárták az évet a férfi paraevezés kategóriában, megelőzve a második helyezett Nagy-Britanniát, amely 67-ig jutott. 2019 áprilisában Várszegi úr Nagy Gáborral és Nagyné Valkai Évával (adaptív evezős edzők) összefogva megrendezte az első Concept 2 fedettpályás evezős világrekord-kihívást, amely 2019 decemberében, a rekordok felállításával ért véget.

Amerikai társalapítványunk közreműködésével elért világrekord

Az OWR igazolja, hogy James Killingham (Providence, Rhode Island, USA), aki 1954. április 22-én született, új hivatalos világrekordot állított fel a következő kategóriában:

1. vak afroamerikai katonai veterán, aki beltéri evezős világrekordot állított fel

A rekord adatai: Férfiak 50 és idősebb PR3 (VI) kategória, 30 perc, 5,831 méter. James Killingham az első afroamerikai vak katonai veterán sportoló, aki beltéri evezős világrekordot állított fel a Narragansett Evezős Klubban a Veteránok Napja hétvégén, 2018. november 12-én.

Killingham úr edzője Jonathan Greenberg és az U.S. A Veterán Evezős és Kajakozó Alapítvány vezérigazgatója és alapítója Paul Stephen Varszegi. A Concept 2 Record Certificate által is hitelesített rekord: Férfiak 50 év felett PR3 (VI) 30 perc 5,831m.

US rekord1.png
US rekord2.png

2023 Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation Championships

2023 Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation Championships was held on May 26-28, 2023 at the HMS Sultan Military Base in Gosport, Hampshire, UK.

The venue is considered a high security military base and all 7-countries with athlete participants had to be clearance checked prior to admission into the country.

Over 75-athletes attended and participated in the 2-day special event which began on Saturday morning at 9:00am for the 3-indoor rowing races consisting of the 500/1000/2000 meter ergometer rowing machine races lasting until 13:00. Many countries took home gold/silver/bronze medals in various race categories for age/gender and disability.

After a quick late lunch, everyone got on two chartered buses to head over to the shore in Gosport to begin the outdoor kayaking races.

The second event was mostly for fun and no metals were awarded.

Award metals were given out at the Sailmaker Pub and Restaurant next door to our hotel where all stayed at the Gosport Premiere Inn.

The following countries attended:

  • USA

  • Hungary

  • Poland

  • Australia

  • Great Britain

  • South Africa

  • Columbia

This was the 3rd straight year that our Gibraltar international governing body Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation hosted the event, which event series began in 2020 at the Györ Olympic Stadium in Györ Hungary.

See attached group photos, and the HU team! 

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2023 Hungarian Military Indoor Rowing Trials

The 2023 Hungarian Military Indoor Rowing Trials have succesfully ended.

From 50 athletes we selected 10 athletes to compete at the 2023 Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation Championships in Great Britain in May 26-28. They will represent our David vs. Goliath Hungary Fundation, and of course Hungary among the other athletes from other 6 countries.

Here is three short video, and a photo of the trials.



Pál-István Várszegi was at the Sarasota Invitational in Sarasota Florida, USA on the 26th of February 2023 competing against civilian athletes who are injured, like himself but were all racing a 1000 meter race on the water at the Nathan Benderson Rowing (Olympic) Park where Pál is headquartered with his U.S. Veterans’ Rowing & Kayaking Foundation.
Pál was experiencing difficulties registering as an American military rower for his American military foundation since there has been a conflict with USRowing Association (his civilian national competitor’s) for the past 10-years. 

Both organizations are claiming to be the “Official Governing Body’s” of military rowing so Pál chose to row and represent his Hungarian Military Rowing & Kayaking Foundation that he created in 2019 in Györ Hungary at his rowing club while being stationed there.

The outcome of the race was that Pál took home a Gold Medal for the country of his birth which is believed to be the first time that a Hungarian citizen beat all American athletes in an Adaptive outdoor rowing championship in America 🇺🇸 Currently only Hungarian civilian rower Galambos Péter and Várszegi Pál-István have won Gold medals for Hungary in international competitions.

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The David vs. Goliath Magyar Foundation would like to congratulate PR1 Adaptive athlete Richárd Novák for completing 5-Adaptive Concept2 World Records!

In celebration, we would like to award 5-gift cards from Decathlon Sporting goods store for 4000 Forint each for each Concept2 adaptive record he did which comes to 20,000 Forint total awarded.

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Meetings in Dubai (September, 2022)

In September 2022 we began working in Dubai which is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with our law firm to establish another military nonprofit to benefit our allies there.

It is our hope that they will become members of our governing body, Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation and assist us with hosting international sports racing events there.

Dubai is truly an exceptional place with little to no crime and a robust economy.

Please check out some of our photos and private tour videos.

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Experience David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation

Military, First Responders and Disabled Hungarian Athletes Coming Together To Achieve Epic Accomplishments.

At David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation, wellbeing is at the forefront of what we're working together towards. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members achieve their goals and fulfill their potential. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.

We work in partnership with the Hungarian Rowing Federation, military, First Responder and Injured / Disabled Athletes Nationwide to Promote Healing and Wellness Through the Sport of Rowing and Kayaking. We are a Charitable Non-Profit Military Recreational Rehabilitation Organization which was Founded by Pál-István Várszegi, an injured and disabled military athlete himself, in Györ, Hungary in 2020.


David vs. The Goliath Hungarian Foundation is a proud member of our international governing body Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation of the EU.                     

David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation has been recognized by both the Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation and the US Veterans' Rowing & Kayaking Foundation as the OFFICIAL Governing Body for all Military Rowing and Kayaking in the country of Hungary, EU

Here at David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding in 2020, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to bring our team's fresh ideas and passion to the range of activities we're involved in. Through all of our endeavors we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs.


The David vs. Goliath HU Foundation has donated Concept2 rowing ergometers to the military sports club in Győr. The sport club will provide sporting facilities to the military personell at the Győr Air-Defense Rocket Base.

During the visit at the rocket base, founder Pál István Várszegi also agreed with the military and sport club leaders that the club will send athletes to the 2021 Military World Rowing & Kayaking Championships.

The Campionship was held at the Györ Olympic Stadium between 13-15 May, 2021, and the athlete group of the military sports club had a great opportunity to attend the challenge.

See the photos taken at the Győr Rocket Base when the partnership agreement was signed. 

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To continue to host annual indoor and outdoor racing events for other member military nations that become OFFICIALLY recognized by the Military World Rowing & Kayaking Federation.


David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation and Founder Pál-István Várszegi, partnered with the Györ Evezö Athletics Club and adaptive rowing coaches Gábor and Éva Nagy in April, 2019 to begin the task of hosting the first ever: Concept 2 World Record Indoor Rowing Challenge at the above club .  By the end of 2019, Hungary became the historically first country in the world to come from last place among the international rowing community for Concept 2 World Indoor Rowing Records, to number # 1 for all men's adaptive categories replacing USA and United Kingdom.

  1. Hungary took Gold

  2. United Kingdom Silver

  3. United States Bronze

Whitewater Kayaker

Contact David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation

Get in touch with David vs. Goliath Hungarian Foundation to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Győr, Hungary

+36 70 287 1016

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"We strive for perfection but sometimes have to settle for excellence!"

Pál-István Várszegi

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